Search results for " yield"

Article Fed-batch supplements to boost cell culture performance
The results demonstrate increased viable cell yields and productivity in the fed-batch cultures. Download the application note.

Article Use of Multivariate Data Analysis in Bioprocessing
Further, any optimization efforts targeted to improve product yield or productivity need to be carefully monitored for any possible negative impact on a product’s safety and/or efficacy. To achieve th…

Article Continuous Manufacturing: A Changing Processing Paradigm
Case studies with mAbs have shown similar yield and purity compared with batch runs and could be associated with an increase in productivity, they note. Other advantages of continuous manufacturing in…

Article Technologies and Practices Must Evolve to Meet Demand
Producing high enough product yields, purifying high product yields, and protein aggregates were other top concerns. Purification, stability, scale up, and achieving adequate expression levels of …

Article Improving PAT for Biologics
The increased use of PAT for upstream processes is driven by the fact that most of the critical quality attributes of a product, the product yield, and the quantities of process-related impurities are…

Article High-Throughput Process Development in an Historical Environment
The challenge was to use HTPD workflows for maximized Dab purity and yield. A workshop held by Ashley Hesslein from Bayer HealthCare kicked off the meeting. The topic was “Lessons Learned in Build…

Article Single-Domain Antibodies for Brain Targeting
Production of stable, high-affinity mAb fragments in high yield for preclinical and clinical trials can be a serious bottleneck in the product pipeline. Identification and design of mutations that min…

Article 2014 Manufacturing Trends and Outlook
Producing sufficiently high product yields was a close second at 52.2%; purifying high product yields was the third most frequently cited at 49.3%. Protein aggregates, formulation issues, creating/clo…

Article Determining Criticality-Process Parameters and Quality Attributes Part I: Criticality as a Continuum
In other cases, while process duration or yield is measured, they are not related to the product quality and are, therefore, not CQAs. However, even when defined as critical, not all CQAs have equal i…

Article FDA Seeks Metrics to Define Drug Quality
While producers of food products and fine chemicals have engineered precise controls that yield defect-free products, she finds that pharmaceutical companies focus more on complying with regulations. …

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