Search results for "Protein"

Article Real-Time Characterization of Biotherapeutics and Comparability of Biosimilars
SPR is a rapidly emerging tool for studying ligand binding interactions with membrane proteins, which are the major molecular targets for biopharmaceutical products (6). In SPR, one of the interactant…

Article Managing Residual Impurities During Downstream Processing
Challener Manufacture of protein and other biologic drug substances via cell culture or fermentation occurs with the natural, simultaneous production of other unwanted materials, particularly host-…

Article Q&As with Industry Leaders
…obal Product Manager, Monoclonal Antibody Polishing, Cytiva Top challenges in recombinant protein purification process development Jeanne Linke Northrop, BioPharm International …

Article The Development and Application of a Monoclonal Antibody Purification Platform
Such increases could change the characteristics of the cell culture broth, leading to higher levels of product-related heterogeneous proteins (aggregates, degradation products, processing variants) an…

Article Milestones and Moderate Progress in 2012 Drug Approvals
25, 2012, with the approval of Glybera (alipogene tiparvovec) by the European Commission for use in the treatment of lipoprotein lipase deficiency within the EU. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency is…

Article Top Tips for Successful Development of Antibody Chromatography Processes
We've seen this specific drug class continue to reshape medicine, right? It's so amazing what we've learned about these molecules, their potential, the different ways to leverage these proteins. I'm r…

Article Optimizing your Cell Culture Process to Improve Productivity
It could also be used to analyze monoclonal antibody protein quality by examining the parameters, supplements, and feed timings, which may help increase the quality of the protein being produced in cu…

Article Analytical Considerations for Successful Upstream Process Development with Spivey and Lane
…t's really at because every sample that has to go to an analyst, whether it's a small molecule or a protein or a biologic, takes time to run on a system. It takes a dedicated person to run that sampl…

Article Tips for Purifying and Analyzing Cryo-EM Samples
Click here to read more >> Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) provides possibilities to determine structures for more challenging proteins, such as membrane proteins and larger protein compl…

Article Getting a Handle on Biopharma’s Most Critical Quality Attributes and Quality Control
Proteins are subject to problems during post-translational modification (PTM), and may also degrade during storage. Problems can result when changes are made to manufacturing processes. Complexity—in …

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