Search results for " productivity" in Articles / App Notes
Host-Cell Protein Measurement and Control
Jun 01, 2015
By Fengqiang Wang, PhD, Daisy Richardson, Mohammed Shameem
BioPharm International
Volume 28, Issue 6, pg 32–38
Host-cell proteins (HCPs) constitute a major part of proce…
Determining Criticality–Process Parameters and Quality Attributes Part III: Process Control Strategies—Criticality throughout the Lifecycle
The author applies the continuum of criticality to develop the process control strategy and move through Stages 2 and 3 of the new process validation lifecycle.
With the most recent FDA …
Moving PAT from Concept to Reality
Essential for continuous manufacturing
Process intensification/continuous bioprocessing is a hot topic in the biopharma industry at the moment because it enables increased productivity of single-u…
Ensuring Viral Safety of Viral Vaccines and Vectors
Ensuring Viral Safety of Viral Vaccines and Vectors
Viral vaccines and viral vectors used in biotherapeutic applications carry the risk of microbial contamination, which must be addressed.
Making the Move to Continuous Chromatography
“To really maximize productivity, the kinetic effects of adsorption:desorption of protein to the resin become important, and drive demand for more columns in order to operate at high flow rates while …
Use of Multivariate Data Analysis in Bioprocessing
Further, any optimization efforts targeted to improve product yield or productivity need to be carefully monitored for any possible negative impact on a product’s safety and/or efficacy. To achieve th…
Securing the Single-Use Supply Chain
Dual sourcing is one of many possible solutions to securing the supply chain.
Single-use systems (SUS) have become established in biopharmaceutical drug development. As confidence in the technol…
Challenges and Trends in Biopharma Facility Design
Experts discuss the future of modular manufacturing and the challenges that biopharma manufacturers face in facility design.
Sep 1, 2014
By: Susan Haigney
BioPharm International
Evolution of the Monoclonal Antibody Purification Platform
The authors discuss the evolution of the purification platform for manufacturing of mAb therapeutics.
Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) increasingly form the majority share of the product pipeline…
Advances in Sterilization Technologies for Overcoming Viral-Vector Manufacturing Challenges
…ogether helps facilitate the introduction of new solutions that can dramatically improve efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety.
Sterile filtration will remain the standard, but with more a…