Search results for " start-ups"

Article Drug Discovery and Development in India
Ang says, “The move of Indian start-ups into the drug discovery space will present a new source of innovative medicines to the Indian pharmaceutical sector. However, we expect their impact to come pri…

Article Testa Challenge 2020 Attracts Leading International Bioprocessing Innovators
Held over an intensive week in the Testa Center located at Cytiva´s Uppsala site, a unique biomanufacturing scale-up facility, the Testa Challenge aims to allow start-ups, research groups and companie…

Article Trends in Single-use Bioreactors
Representatives from industry supplier companies address innovations, reliability, barriers to adoption, and the role of singIe-use bioreactors in bioprocessing. By: Randi Hernandez Whil…

Article Q&A with Eric Langer, about the evolution of the role of CMO’s in Bioprocessing
By partnering with a full-service CDMO, these small start-ups can stay focused on their research, while the CDMO invests in the development as well as the manufacturing. Read more Q&A's with I…

Article An open bioprocess innovation challenge!
The goal of the annual Testa Challenge is to test and verify your technology for bioprocess in the Testa Center in Uppsala, Sweden. The participants are to learn how their technology…

Article Analytical Considerations for Successful Upstream Process Development with Spivey and Lane
Spivey and Lane Click here to view more Q&As >> Analytic considerations for upstream processing – covering Process Analytic Technology (PAT), time-savings versus off-line ana…

Article Good Manufacturing Practices: Challenges with Compliance
WrightStudio/ The complexity of biologics and the use of new technologies present challenges for complying with CGMPs. By Lauren Lavelle …

Article Do You Need Access to a Bioprocess Lab to Test Your Technical or Digital Innovation?
Welcome to Testa Challenge! In the Testa Challenge, we invite projects and companies from the technology, digital, and data segments to integrate, test, and verify their innovation with…

Article Methods Accelerate Biosimilar Analysis
Methods Accelerate Biosimilar Analysis Effective application of mass-spectrometry tools can optimize biosimilar analysis, reducing development time and cost. By Mario DiPaola, …

Article Single-Use for Downstream Chromatography: Benefit or Hindrance?
Single-use technology is gaining ground in downstream bioprocessing, but challenges stall further adoption. By Feliza Mirasol ARTMOIS/STOCK.ADOBE.COM Biopharmaceutical manufactu…

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