Search results for " upstream" in Articles / App Notes
Going Viral
How a new factory-in-a-box is helping scale up manufacturing of viral vector-based therapies to reach more patients.
Manufacturing viral vector-based therapies such as vaccines and gene…
Preclinical Evaluation of Product Related Impurities and Variants
Preclinical Evaluation of Product Related Impurities and Variants
The approaches for sample preparation of preclinical evaluation of safety and efficacy are addressed taking into consideration the s…
What You Need to Know about Continuous Processing
There is a lot of interest around continuous biomanufacturing, and it is expected to have a significant impact on the biomanufacturing industry over the next few years. Continuous processing can hel…
Roadmap Leads to Innovative Biomanufacturing Strategies
Roadmap Leads to Innovative Biomanufacturing Strategies
The Biomanufacturing Technology Roadmap is accelerating innovative manufacturing strategies for biopharmaceuticals.
By Feli…
Performance of Single-Use Xcellerex™ XDR‑500 MO and XDR‑50 MO Stirred-Tank Fermentor Systems
This application note describes the performance of the XDR‑500 MO fermentor system in comparison with the XDR‑50 MO fermentor. Domain antibody production in E. coli was used as the model process. …
Single-Use Workflow for Recovery of a Domain Antibody from E. coli Culture Feed in an Automated Manner
This application note demonstrates the performance of the automated ÄKTA™ readyflux single-use filtration system in microfiltration applications. Here, a domain antibody (dAb) expressed in E. col…
Platform Technologies Improve Protein Expression
Platform technologies facilitate development and accelerate commercialization of protein therapeutics.
By Cynthia A. Challener
Speed to market is essential in the biopharmaceutica…
Evaluation of HEK293 Cell Growth and Adenovirus Productivity in HyClone™ CDM4HEK293 Medium
Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells are widely used in production of recombinant viruses and proteins because of their stable growth, high transfection level, and ability to produce high viral t…
Impact of Media Components on CQAs of Monoclonal Antibodies
The authors review how media components modulate the quality of monoclonal antibody products.
By Anurag Rathore, Rajinder Kaur, Dipankar Borgayari
Recombinant protein products have…
Validation of the production of influenza virus in ReadyToProcess WAVE™ 25 bioreactor system
This application note describes the validation of the single-use ReadyToProcess WAVE 25 rocking bioreactor system in production of influenza virus from Vero cells in microcarrier-based cultures. A 2…