Search results for " upstream"
Q&As with Industry Leaders
…ck Whitelock, Commercial Modeling Specialist, Cytiva
Analytical Considerations for Successful Upstream Process Development with Spivey and Lane
Chris Spivey, BioPharm International
Q&A with Industry Leader Konstantin Konstantinov, Genzyme Vice-President
Up until a few years ago, continuous processing was limited to upstream only, because there were no unit operations available for downstream. But now several companies, including Cytiva, are making un…
Raw Material Variability
Many of these issues would be upstream in the cell-culture or fermentation step but could also be downstream in purification. The ‘blackbox’ nature of upstream processes makes things doubly difficult.…
Bioprocessing Advances in Vaccine Manufacture
These improvements are much needed, as advances in upstream manufacturing (everything through product formation in the bioreactor) causing capacity constraints and problems, because later downstream p…
Instructional Videos for Bioprocess Equipment
Upskill your use of Cytiva equipment
To get the most performance out of your bioprocess equipment, sometimes you need a refresher training. Cytiva offers free on-demand instructional vide…
Save the date for HTPD 2025
We are pleased to announce the 7th International Conference devoted to High-Throughput Process Development (HTPD) and smart PD, to be held May 26–29 2025 in Uppsala, Sweden.
The program and…
Report from the 6th International HTPD Conference
Since then, HTPD in chromatography applications has been well established among most biopharmaceutical companies but has also expanded to upstream and cell culture screening as well as to formulation …
Trace metals getting you down? Learn what’s really in your cell culture media
Heavy metal might have a place in your music playlist, but heavy metals should stay out of your cell culture media. Heavy metal impurities in your media can have a drastic effect on cell vi…
Process Development and Control for New Modalities
Increasing molecular diversity leads to more challenges in process development and control. Advancements in technology for manufacturing and online analytical monitoring have not caught up…
Scaling a mAb production process to Xcellerex bioreactors
Moving a monoclonal antibody production process from a microscale bioreactor to the Xcellerex XDR single-use platform.