Search results for "biopharmaceutical" in Articles / App Notes
Evaluating Surface Cleanliness Using a Risk-Based Approach
…ncentrations, light intensity, viewing angles, inspectors, and distances have been used by multiple biopharmaceutical companies. This approach has helped correlate rinse sample quality or visual insp…
Platform Technologies Improve Protein Expression
Speed to market is essential in the biopharmaceutical industry today. Manufacturers are seeking mechanisms for increasing efficiencies and reducing costs without compromising the…
Impact of Media Components on CQAs of Monoclonal Antibodies
Mammalian cells meet these criteria quite efficiently by virtue of their post-translation modification system, and this has made them a dominant production system for the biopharmaceutical industry. M…
N-Glycan Analysis of Biotherapeutic Proteins
Of these, mAbs represent a large proportion of biotherapeutic glycoproteins and account for approximately half of the biopharmaceutical market, a trend that is set to continue with the advent of biosi…
Being Thorough When Transferring Technology
According to Mike Ultee, principal of Ulteemit BioConsulting, companies often fail to provide complete information about their biopharmaceutical or protein. He suggests that companies should allow eno…
A Q&A with Eric Langer: CMOs Embrace New Technology
In comparison, biopharmaceutical innovators sought improved analytical assays and development, control systems, fill-finish services, and downstream PD services.
Why are CMOs early adopters?
Downstream Processing Continues to Worry CMOs
…pear to show any signs of abating, according to BioPlan Associates 13th Annual Report and Survey of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity and Production
(1). In fact, nearly two-thirds (64%) o…
Designing a Biomanufacturing Facility Incorporating Single-Use Technologies
By Peter Genest, John Joseph
The benefits of adopting single-use technologies in the production of biopharmaceuticals, such as lower capital investment and increased flexibility, are now well docu…
Antibody Production in Microbial Hosts
Rathore, Jyoti Batra
The biopharmaceutical industry is growing exponentially, driven by an ever-increasing demand for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and related products that are capable of treating…
CMOs Concerned With Cost of Single-Use Equipment
As industry adoption increases, single-use products in biopharmaceutical manufacturing will likely see the same levels of pricing pressure as other similar equipment. Vendors can expect to see increas…