Search results for "vaccine" in Articles / App Notes
Mapping a Route for Cell and Gene Therapy Process Development
These products are highly complex and often involve production methods that, while in some ways are similar to those used in biologics and vaccine manufacturing, in many ways are quite different.
Scalable ADCF Virus Production Using HyClone™ VaccineXpress Medium
The data show that the ADCF process using VaccineXpress for rotavirus propagation is scalable, promoting the production of infectious viral particles.
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2019’s Top Bioprocessing Trends and What to Expect in 2020
In 2019, a novel production process for adenovirus vectors—used in cancer gene therapy trials and evaluated for use in vaccines—got attention for its technical and process economic advantages compared…
The Evolving Role of Starting Materials in Cell and Gene Therapy
Unlike other biological drug products such as therapeutic proteins, monoclonal antibodies, or vaccines, drugs based on living cells are by nature uniquely vulnerable to supply chain complications and …
New Therapies Present Scaling Challenges
New Therapies Present Scaling Challenges
Manufacturing differences between traditional mAb therapies and newer biotherapeutics dictate whether processes should be scaled up, scaled out, or use an al…
What’s New in Upstream Technologies
The system features a modular, scalable, fixed-bed bioreactor for enhanced upstream processing of viral products, including viral vaccines, viral vectors, and oncolytic viruses. The low-footprint inte…
Case Study: Process for Production of Oncolytic Adenovirus
The promising results from clinical studies on the use of viral vectors to address important medical needs have spurred interest in developing scalable and cost-efficient manufacturing processes. Here…
Achieve Scalable Viral Vector Production
In our tutorial series on viral vector production, Cytiva scientists share their insights on virus production and how to tackle viral vector manufacturing challenges. In this episode, a scalable produ…
Biopharmaceutical Process Development: 2018 Lessons and 2019 Predictions
…aration of Charged mAb Variants
• Modern Manufacturing Key to More Effective Vaccines
• Evaluation of Performance of a Disposable mAb Affinity Chromatography Column Used Over Multiple Pro…
A Look at the Affinity Chromatography Landscape
In a pandemic situation, he notes that production of 40 million doses of flu vaccine is possible in one day with 54 L of membrane.
Nanofibers for affinity chromatography
A number of different …