Search results for " industry 4.0"
Q&As with Industry Leaders
Discovering the unknown: How does in silico process development change PD scientists’ work?
Jeanne Linke Northrop, BioPharm International
Nora Ketterer, Manager, Modeling Services…
Q&A with Industry Leaders: Rita Peters
This week, Process Development Forum's new Q&A feature interviews Rita Peters, Editor of BioPharm International Magazine, about second quarter trends in drug development.
Q: What trends have yo…
Guidance for Industry: Quality Considerations in Demonstrating Protein Product
FDA's guidance for Industry Quality Considerations in Demonstrating Protein Product
Biotechnology Industry Organization
The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is the world's largest biotechnology organization, providing advocacy, business development and communications services for more than 1,100 members worl…
Do Modeling and Simulation Tools Really Benefit the Biosimilar Industry?
The business impact of modeling and simulation tools is not well understood and requires clarification of their benefits to drug development.
How the Industrial Internet of Things is Transforming Bioprocessing
In this article, Jun Huang, director and team leader of Process Monitoring, Automation, and Control at Pfizer, discusses the impact of digitalization in biomanufacturing. He also discusses ho…
Contract Manufacturing Through the Years
Contract Manufacturing Through the YearsHow has the bio/pharmaceutical contract manufacturing industry evolved over the years and what does the future hoHow has the bio/pharmaceutical contract ma…
Roadmap Leads to Innovative Biomanufacturing Strategies
Roadmap Leads to Innovative Biomanufacturing Strategies
The Biomanufacturing Technology Roadmap is accelerating innovative manufacturing strategies for biopharmaceuticals.
By Feli…
Maximum Output Starts with Optimized Upstream Processing
By Cynthia A. Challener
Biopharmaceutical companies and contract manufacturers respond to changing demand dynamics for upstream bioprocessing capacity.
Significant growth in the develo…
Digitalization: The Route to Biopharma 4.0
Biopharmaceutical manufacturers are also giving significant attention to automation and data analytics so as to embrace Industry 4.0. The ultimate objective is to make an automated smart factory, wher…