Search results for " protein"

Article Techniques for Improving Process Development for Exosome-Derived Therapeutics
These nano-scale membrane sacs are mediators of intercellular communication and can be exploited as carriers of therapeutic molecules (like proteins and RNA) that can alter disease states.    …

Article Process Development: What May Lie Ahead in 2018?
Such next-gen antibodies include antibody drug conjugates, engineered antibodies, bispecific antibodies, antibody fragments, antibody-like proteins and biosimilar antibody therapies. The productio…

Article Critical Quality Attributes Challenge Biologics Development
Determination of criticality of process and quality attributes improved significantly in the past decade with the advancement of knowledge in protein engineering, biology, and cell culture engineering…

Article Downstream Processing for Cell-Based Therapies
Typically, a swing-bucket rotor centrifugation step or a filtration step is included to remove cell debris, large aggregates, unwanted proteins, volume reduce (i.e., concentrate), and formulate the ce…

Article Walk Away and Do More Screening Preps
Many analyses require purified protein, and substantial hands-on time might be allocated to this task. Learn how an ÄKTA pure protein purification system can be modified to increase throughput of…

Poster Guide to modern BioProcess™ chromatography resins
Based on what protein you would like to purify and the conditions used, chromatography resins are selected to optimize purity and yield. Many bioprocess applications include three chromatography steps…

Article An Integrated Approach to Ensure the Viral Safety of Biotherapeutics
By Mark Plavsic Use of continuous cell lines in the manufacture of biological therapeutic products, such as vaccines, recombinant proteins, and monoclonal antibodies, is associated with the concom…

Article Adherent Cell Culture in Biopharmaceutical Applications: The Cell-Detachment Challenge
This method, widely named trypsinization, is based on the addition of an active concentration of the enzyme to the cell culture and subsequent digestion of cell-membrane proteins that establish the in…

Article Biopharma Advances Demand Specialized Expertise
With this in mind, substitution of HPLC for UPLC, rapid microbiological screening methods, and investment in automated approaches to complex analytical problems such as protein sequencing are now bein…

Article DoE Provides Benefits, but Preparation Is Necessary
Nguyen also notes that depending on the data that are generated from an experimental design, it is sometimes possible to gain some mechanistic understanding of protein stabilization or behavior. I…

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