Search results for " disposables"

Article Perfusion in the 21st Century
Quality, flexibility, and cost savings are driving use of perfusion technology in biosimilars manufacturing. By Bruce Lehr, Delia Lyons Cell-culture technology for biopharmaceutical manufact…

Article Single-Use for Downstream Chromatography: Benefit or Hindrance?
Single-use technology is gaining ground in downstream bioprocessing, but challenges stall further adoption. By Feliza Mirasol ARTMOIS/STOCK.ADOBE.COM Biopharmaceutical manufactu…

Article Achieving Process Balance with Perfusion Bioreactors
Advances in single-use technologies, sensors, and cell retention systems facilitate processes designed for the long run. By Cynthia A. Challener  MG/ …

Article Extractables Studies for Single Use Systems Used in ADC Manufacturing, Part 1
Single‑use (SU) systems have great potential in antibody‑drug conjugates (ADC) manufacturing. The use of organic solvents in the ADC process might , however, raise questions about potential leac…

Article A Q&A with Eric Langer: CMOs Embrace New Technology
Process Development Forum speaks with Eric Langer, President and Managing Partner at BioPlan Associates, and the author of a number of biopharma studies, about the 2016 13th Annual Report and Survey…

Article Downstream Processing Continues to Worry CMOs
CMOs are working hard to improve performance by investigating new technologies for filtration and purification. By Eric S. Langer Downstream processing continues to be a significant pain poi…

Article Tools for Continuous Bioprocessing Development
Could perfusion microbioreactors bring more agility to biomanufacturing? By Rajeev J. Ram In semiconductor manufacturing, for example, a thorough understanding of process variation allows co…

Article SEC in the Modern Downstream Purification Process
Mar 01, 2015 By R. Christopher Manzari, J. Kevin O'Donnell BioPharm International Volume 3, Issue 28 Since the introduction of commercial chromatography resins approximately six de…

Article Implementation of Raw Material Control Strategies in the Manufacture of Single-Use Bioprocessing Containers
The authors review efforts to limit polymer degradation without significantly impeding cell growth. Jan 01, 2015 By Sara Ullsten, Shujian Yi, Jeffrey Carter, Eva Lindskog, Pokon Ganguli, Her…

Article Bioprocessing Advances in Vaccine Manufacture
In the BioPlan study, vendors were asked if they provide sufficiently scalable single-use disposables and techniques. Overall, 53% of the industry considers scale to be a significant adoption restrict…

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