Search results for "bioprocess" in Articles / App Notes
Improving mAb Manufacturing Productivity by Optimizing Buffer and Media Prep Process Flow
…buffer concentrates with in-line dilution or conditioning systems can significantly help streamline bioprocessing operations.
Improving the efficiency and productivity of buffer preparatio…
Cell-Culture Advances Test Bioreactor Performance Models
“While some vendors already offer such sparger technologies, the industry has been slow to update to these sparger technologies, likely due to the revalidation burden of changes to established bioproc…
Design Considerations for a Commercial Cell and Gene Therapy Facility
For mAb bioprocessing and viral-vector manufacturing, the equipment needed is similar, such as single-use bioreactors and standard harvest and downstream systems for clarification, tangential flow fil…
What’s New in Upstream Technologies
Buffer delivery component
MilliporeSigma’s BioContinuum Buffer Delivery Platform, a new component in the company’s BioContinuum Platform for next-generation bioprocessing, offers a way to streamli…
Scaling Up Novel Therapies
“Platforms have had a very positive impact on companies’ ability to develop products and manufacture them less expensively,” says Tom Ransohoff, vice-president and principal consultant with BioProcess…
QbD Improves Cell-Culture Process Control
However, using a quality-by-design (QbD) approach that employs predictive modeling can improve the quality of end product as well as the efficiency of the bioprocess.
Real-time quality control
Speed and Flexibility Are Dual Goals for Biopharma Operations
What new technologies and products are impacting bioprocessing operations?
Recent product introductions for bioprocessing operations—such as advances in bioreactor technology, media, buffers, and …
Improving Process-Scale Chromatography
New resin chemistries
New chromatography resins and chromatography ligands are constantly being developed, according to Lotta Ljungqvist, head of bioprocess R&D for Cytiva. She points to several n…
Lessons Learned Accelerate Vaccine Development
Early bioprocessing challenges
The diversity of viruses that cause diseases, the number of different vaccine products, and the variety of vaccine production methods all contribute to the complexit…
Fermentation for the Future
“These inclusion bodies are isolated during bioprocessing. Subsequently, the IBs are solubilized, and in a refolding step, the protein is renatured and afterwards purified. Therefore, production of re…