Search results for " future"

Article Novel Vaccine Technologies Meet the Need for Pandemic and Therapeutic Solutions
…ced to the body by the vaccine may be different than what it encounters in an actual pathogen in the future, according to J. Joseph Kim, president and CEO of Inovio Pharmaceuticals. “Since the immune…

Article Design of Experiments for Analytical Method Development and Validation
Ranges of the concentration will generate the characterized design space so they should be selected carefully as it will put restrictions on how the method may be used in the future (see Figure 2). No…

Article Determining Criticality, Part Two: DoE and Data-Driven Criticality
This limitation frequently is one of the primary drivers of establishing the continuous process verification (CPV) program in Stage 3 to monitor the future impact from this raw material variation. For…

Article Predicting Progress in Protein Aggregation
But progress is being made, and we expect to see some new methods being implemented in the not too distant future,” Zurdo notes. The behavior of the formulated product once administered to patients…

Article Early Communication with Regulators is Essential for SMEs
“The lessons learned from this case are multiple and it paved the way for approval of similarly complex medicines in the future,” said Christian Schneider, chair of the EMA’s committee for advanced th…

Article 2014 Manufacturing Trends and Outlook
Past and future innovation Respondents revealed insight about recent innovations that have improved process efficiencies. Equipment and products related to disposable systems were most frequentl…

Article Biotechnology Innovation and Growth in Israel
Taken together, Israel seems like a great place to turn to for future investment opportunities. Moving forward in Israel Israel has a long history of biotechnology innovation and growth and…

Article Bioprocessing Advances in Vaccine Manufacture
…of vaccines quicker, simpler, and at significantly-reduced costs, often just pennies/dose, with many future vaccines likely to be sold at prices that are comparable or even below current manufacturin…

Article Trends in Downstream Bioprocessing
Downstream processing involves the recovery and purification of protein therapeutics for biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other biologics. It involves the removal of insoluble cell debris and parti…

Article State of Quality and Compliance in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
It might take time to happen, but a process that is not designed appropriately to mitigate quality risks will almost certainly experience a major quality event in the future. When a quality failure ha…

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