Search results for " sec" in Articles / App Notes
Modeling the Degradation of mAb Therapeutics
Factors that affect mAb stability
Factors that affect the stability of an mAb therapeutic can relate either to its structure (primary, secondary, or tertiary), or to its environment. In the primar…
Tackling Analytical Method Development for ADCs
Chromatographic methods based on hydrophobicity (hydrophobic interaction chromatography [HIC]) and size (size-exclusion chromatography [SEC], SEC-multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS) can pro…
Protein Analysis with Size Exclusion Chromatography
This white paper presents fundamentals about analytical SEC and describes how our new-generation agarose-based SEC columns are used in analysis of biomolecules.
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Exosome isolation by tangential flow filtration and size exclusion chromatography
- Scaling up the SEC resin volumes using the superSEC resin was clearly shown with shorter purification cycle times than used in existing SEC protocols for the purification of exosomes.
Impurity Testing of Biologic Drug Products
• Circular dichroism (CD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), intrinsic/extrinsic fluorescence for the analyses of secondary and tertiary structures
• Sedimentation velocit…
Development of Purification for Challenging Fc-Fusion Proteins
…rmance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) (Waters) with Empower software that used an Acquity UPLC BEH200 SEC column. The protein was monitored by UV280 nm.
LMW fragment quantification was pe…
Column Tips for Successful SEC-MALS
We have gathered Column Tips for Successful SEC-MALS in a blog post. Tap into these column tips by clicking here.
Protein Purification Troubleshooting Guide
Includes general tips and specific help for SEC, AC, IEX, and HIC*. Get practical advice on small changes and active choices that can significantly impact your purification results.
Selection Guide Size Exclusion Chromatography Columns and Media
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC), also called Gel filtration (GF), separates molecules on the basis of differences in size as they pass through a SEC medium packed in a column. A variety of media…
USP Publishes Monoclonal Antibody Guidelines
For SEC, the monoclonal IgG system suitability RS solution must meet the following system suitability requirements: the RS injections must bracket the injections of sample solutions and the RS chromat…