Search results for " CHO" in Articles / App Notes
The Development and Application of a Monoclonal Antibody Purification Platform
HCP is detected using a high-sensitivity sandwich Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) kit specific for either CHO or NS0 proteins following the manufacturer's instructions (Cygnus Technologies, …
A Closer Look at Affinity Ligands
Large-scale manufacturing of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) starts with the expression of the antibody in mammalian cells, typically CHO [Chinese hamster ovary] cells, followed by a series of…
Host cell protein quantitation using ELISA
This application note shows how using the sensitive HCPQuant™ CHO ELISA kit (Cytiva) and automating wash steps using Aquamax 4000 Microplater Washer (Molecular Devices) enables fast results without co…
Optimizing your Cell Culture Process to Improve Productivity
It can be applicable to many different cell lines, including CHO or HEK, insect cells, and cell lines used in the cultivated meats industries. Furthermore, we do not need to know anything about the cu…
Establishing a Robust Workflow to Identify High-Performing GOCHO™ Clones
Our cell line development platform uses the GOCHO™ host cell line to minimize the risk and timeline to develop high-performing clones suitable for manufacturing.
Commercial Production of Gene Therapies Using Suspension or Adherent Cell Lines
Adherent cell lines are the most common choice at early stages of development as they are readily sourced, easy to cultivate at the laboratory scale, and require less expert bioengineering know-how.
Reimagining Affordable Biosimilars
Advances in preclinical development play a crucial role in reducing cost for developing biosimilars.
By Anurag S. Rathore, Narendra Chirmule, and Himanshu Malani
Drug development is …
Upstream PD Time-Saver: Optimize Early
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Optimization is key to achieving a high-producing CHO cell culture. Identify the right combination of culture medium, feed supplements, and feeding strategy …
Best Practices for Selecting a Top-Quality Cell Line
First is the product itself, which can affect the choice parental cell line (e.g., Chinese hamster ovary [CHO] or other type). “The advent of more complex molecules rather than monospecific antibodies…
Scale-Up Model of a mAb Process from Microbioreactor to XDR-1000
In process development, it is desirable to test process parameters in small scale and later scale up the process into larger production scale. A theoretical scale-up study was per…