Search results for " 3D modeling" in Articles / App Notes

Article Cytiva and GoSilico Agree to Co-market ChromX™ Mechanistic Modeling Software
The agreement facilitates the adoption of ChromX™ by scientists and users of resins, columns, and chromatography systems into their downstream process-development workflows to accelerate development…

Article Scale-Up Model of a mAb Process from Microbioreactor to XDR-1000
READ ARTICLE >> In process development, it is desirable to test process parameters in small scale and later scale up the process into larger production scale. A theoretical scale-up study was per…

Article Going Small to Achieve Success on the Commercial Scale
Scale-down modeling is instrumental in supporting the development of downstream biopharma manufacturing processes. By Cynthia A. Challener Biopharmaceutical manufacturing involves a series o…

Article Digitalization: The Route to Biopharma 4.0
Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), will result in the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. It is propelled by transformative trends such as the prolif…

Article Determining Criticality, Part Two: DoE and Data-Driven Criticality
A practical roadmap in three parts that applies scientific knowledge, risk analysis, experimental data, and process monitoring throughout the three phases of the process validation lifecycle. T…

Article Discovering the unknown: How does in silico process development change PD scientists’ work?
In silico process development for chromatography is a paradigm-shifting approach that redefines the routine work of process development scientists. But what does it actually mean to perfor…

Article Report from the 6th International HTPD Conference
The biggest challenge is still the people and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) plus mechanistic modeling were two key take-home messages from the 6th International conference devote…

Article Setting Up Bioprocessing Systems for Digital Transformation
Digitalization of bioprocessing operations, equipment, and facilities can improve workflow and output, but maintaining data integrity is a concern. By Feliza Mirasol The advancement of digit…

Article Robust Optimization, Simulation, and Effective Design Space
Jul 01, 2015 By Thomas A. Little, PhD BioPharm International Volume 28, Issue 7, pg 40–44 Approaches to the generation of process models, optimization techniques, and application of …

Article Putting Viral Clearance Capabilities to the Test
Process understanding and careful assessment of risks are essential in developing viral clearance programs. By Rita C. Peters nobeastsofierce/  …

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