Search results for "qbd" in Articles / App Notes

Article Getting your investigational drug regulatory ready
Navigating regulatory requirements can be an overwhelming and time-consuming part of the translational journey. From the submission of an investigational new drug (IND) application, regulators…

Article Digitalization: The Route to Biopharma 4.0
By transforming data into an intelligence-supporting decision-making tool, it is easy to realize the longstanding regulatory initiatives of process analytical technology (PAT) and quality by design (Q…

Article Host cell protein quantitation using ELISA
Host cell proteins (HCPs) produced by cells during biologic manufacturing must be removed from the final product to protect patients. However, it’s challenging to detect HCP, and this step c…

Article eBook: Purification of Antibody Therapeutics - Approach for Diversified Pipeline
Antibody therapeutics are the largest class of biotherapeutics. Over the years, development beyond traditional monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has increased. Today, we see multispecific and bispe…

Article Top Process Development Trends for 2021 and a Look into 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to shape bioprocess development trends, and many lessons have been learned from industry’s response to and preparedness for dealing with a public health crisis. Howev…

Article A Stepwise Approach to a Digital Transformation in Biopharma
Click here to read more >> An interview on “smart” manufacturing—a paradigm shift towards digital transformation for improved safety and quality, optimized performance, and increased complianc…

Article Track-and-Trace Progress Benefits Supply-Chain Security Efforts
By Agnes Shanley The industry has made great strides in implementing serialization technologies, while technology developers are enabling more open access to real-time transportation data. S…

Article How to Optimize and Scale Up AAV Production
In this article from a roundtable discussion, four experts from academia and industry met to discuss challenges in refining and scaling up AAV production pipelines to meet the increasing demand for …

Article Single-Use Technologies Prove Effective for Viral Vector Process Development
The benefits of single-use technologies for upstream viral-vector processes clearly outweigh their disadvantages. Cynthia A. Challener  Upstream viral-vector processes can have sig…

Article Setting Up Bioprocessing Systems for Digital Transformation
Digitalization of bioprocessing operations, equipment, and facilities can improve workflow and output, but maintaining data integrity is a concern. By Feliza Mirasol The advancement of digit…

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