Search results for " optimization"

Article Biopharma in 2016: Higher Quality Drugs, Less Expensive Manufacturing
The year ahead is expected to be marked by increased biosimilar development, lower drug prices, and better quality drugs. The global biopharmaceuticals market was valued at $162 billion in 2014 a…

Article Improving Process-Scale Chromatography
Advances in technology are increasing the productivity and efficiency of commercial-scale chromatography bioprocesses. By Cynthia Challener, PhD Chromatography is a crucial step in the purif…

Article Development of column packing methods based on pressure flow measurements
This paper provides a brief overview on the pressure-flow relationship for chromatography resins in packed and compressed beds, and the optimization of a suitable degree of bed compression when develo…

Poster Guide to modern BioProcess™ chromatography resins
Proteins are different. Based on what protein you would like to purify and the conditions used, chromatography resins are selected to optimize purity and yield. Many bioprocess applications include …

Article Modeling Bioreactor Performance
Modeling is used to gain insight into not only bioreactor performance, but to evaluate the economics and operational excellence of bioprocesses, as well as for process optimization (scale-up, scale-do…

Article High-Throughput Process Development Handbook
Time-to-clinic and time-to-market are two key factors for successful biopharmaceutical development. Efficient development of the manufacturing process is a crucial component of the overall project…

Article Downstream Processing Continues to Worry CMOs
CMOs are working hard to improve performance by investigating new technologies for filtration and purification. By Eric S. Langer Downstream processing continues to be a significant pain poi…

Article Generating a Fully Processed Antibody
The authors outline cell-line development and process scale-up for an antibody program in which the antibody requires additional processing by a site-specific enzyme for correct functionality. B…

Poster Columns up to 1600 mm in diameter packed with protein A chromatography medium using axial mechanical compression
Axial compression allows for optimally packed beds also in the large-scale chromatography column range. Different methods have been developed to pack a broad range of chromatography media (resins) i…

Article Managing Biomanufacturing Capacity Expectations
Capacity for complex therapeutics is becoming increasingly difficult to predict. By Randi Hernandez Demand for any given new product is typically only known after significant investments h…

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