Search results for "modeling" in Articles / App Notes
Chromatography for the Diversified Antibody Pipeline
We have recently acquired a company for mechanistic modeling, and we are exploring more in-house opportunities. Our customers are looking towards mechanistic and modeling to improve process developmen…
Sign-up to join Chromatography Virtual Summit 2022
…cussions with fellow process developers on recent advances in antibody purification and mechanistic modeling.
The summit will include presentations, each with live Q&A, panel discussions, an…
Optimization of an antibody polishing step
Antibody purification processes are typically developed using a platform approach. Optimal operating conditions for single units are found by altering just a few process parameters with De…
Simplify-bioreactor scale up and scale down: applications and tools
Scaling the physical environment in a bioreactor is a frequent task in each product development project. A well-designed scaling strategy, workflows, and easy-to-use tools will facil…
Evolving demands of process development services
Shifting demands from industry innovators is leading to an increased need for flexible and agile outsourcing partners offering broad and integrated models.
Over the years and in light o…
Understanding fluid dynamics within a chromatography column
See how fluid flow effects within a chromatography column are used by mechanistic models.
In silico Approaches towards Automated Biomanufacturing
As part of manufacturing science and technology (MSAT), mechanistic modeling can be used to support several activities in biopharmaceutical production, including process transfer activities, in silico…
Cytiva Acquires GoSilico and Strengthens Digital Capabilities in Bioprocessing
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GoSilico joins Cytiva. The scientific software maker GoSilico creates “digital twins” of downstream processes, a method that is increasingly used to enhance process development by s…
Visualize your ÄKTA Pilot 600S in 3D
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Learning about relevant chromatography systems is crucial for a good fit with your applications and workflows. When when thinking of getting a new system, add …
Process Development: 2020 Reflections and 2021 Possibilities
Another “smart” way to address these challenges involves mechanistic modeling, a collection of approaches to improve process outcomes and speed up process development. Tobias Hahn, PhD, co-founder and…